an online platform built by Black
Entrepreneurs to help Black Businesses grow!
The question is often asked:
Where can I find
The ANSWER will now be:
Inspired by Black Wall Street, Black Town will grow to be the site where every Black business in the USA can occupy space.
GEO Intelligence allows to function as a location tool. It pinpoints businesses that are close to consumers when they are on the site.
So, whether you are in Richmond, Virginia or across the country in Oakland, California when a person looks for Black business near them, will show them the businesses that have signed up. is a FREE service for businesses and consumers. Our revenue will come from advertisers as the site grows.
We’re a Start-up in Phase One which is getting businesses on board. Phase Two will be advertising to the general public – telling them to look to us to find Black businesses. The quicker we get businesses on the site, the sooner we can start telling folks where to find them.